True Perception True Perception

In true perception - nothing
No thing is present
Present to the possibility of sensation
Sensation that requires inner awareness
Awareness that yields subtle understanding
Understanding that knows relationship
Relationship is the world.
A world that requires inner participation.

What will you choose to see today?
What will you choose to do?

But seeing arises from sensation
The sensation that requires inner awareness
Awareness that results in presence
Presence that lives; understands the past
and sees the future.
Future arises from what we do
Do nothing and it arises of other's imaginations

What will you choose to imagine today?
What will you choose to do?

And all beings are active
Actively they build the world
World relationships that are seen
If in seeing we are open to the world
World relationship that leads to true wisdom
Wisdom that truly sees a world
World wisdom is a key to creation
In creating we participate in the world.

What will you choose to see today?
What will you choose to do?

by Michael D'Aleo Jan 2010